Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Okai, a show of hands from all the ladies who are a victim of this crime. Procrastination: Doesn't it just kill you?! Some might say you're lazy, Other's may think it's just a habit. But you know what I think? Maybe its like a trait passed down by our fellow Kuwaiti ancestors back then, because I don't think I've met a Kuwaiti who doesn't procrastinate. But hey, as long as we get the job done who cares right?;p Sorry I haven't been posting so much ;( I have tons of assignments due by the end of this week and the next and I haven't even started on anything!;o So my goal for these two days is to actually WORK on something, then post another story post. I love all our silent and non silent readers! Especially Starlight and Charmbracelet;] Thanks for all the support you guys!;*

- Crystal Spankbomb.  


  1. I'm the biggest procrastinator ever!

    I can never get my work done, not until the last minute or never at all.

    Don't procrastinate, I would stop too if I could ;p But I am trying :)

    Post whenever you can,


  2. I'll post extra next week I promise !;p Would'nt it be a good idea if we like started a Procrastinators rehab? ;o There's got to be one of those things around here. If there was such a thing, I'd be the first to sign up!;] Thanks for the support;*

    -Crystal Spankbomb.

  3. procrastination is my middle name ;p
