if a guy wants yu, nothin cann keep himm away . & if he doesnt nothin cann make himm stay . don't make someone feel bad so theyy will be with yu. stop making excuses for a quy and his behavior . allow your intuition to save you from heartache . stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be . slower is better . never live your life for a guy before you find what makes you truly happy . if he doesn't make you happy now; chances are he never will . if a relationship ends because the guy was not treating you as you deserve; then hell no . don't settle . if you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is . don't stay because you think "it will get better ." you'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better . don't chase a guy, if he want's to leave let him make that decision; maybe he will regret it later . the only person you can control in a relationship is you . always have your own set of friends separate from his . maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you . don't spend ALL of your time with him; you'll get sick of eachother . have time for yourself and your friends, it keeps things fresh and new . after arguing don't talk untill you both are ready; you will both understand eachother better; and most likely see eachothers point of view . if something bothers you, speak up . don't bottle your feelings bcause you are scared to express them, if that's the case you abviously are not comfortable in the relationship, and that's a BIG problem . never let a guy know everything; he will use it against you later . TRUST & HAPPINESS are EVERYTHING . yu cannot change a guy's behavior . change comes from within . don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...do not make him into a quasi-god . he is a guy, nothing more nothing less . never let a guy define who you are . be yourself . never borrow someone else's guy . l0l if he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you . a guy will only treat you the way you allow him to treat yu . if you expext respect in a relationship, be the first to show it . all men are NOT dogs . yu should not be the one doing all the bending...compromise is two way street . if you are the only one trying to make things worse; something is seriously wrong . you need time to heal between relationships; there is nothing cute about baggage . deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship; You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you, a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals ! look for someone complimentary, not supplementary . dating is fun; even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right . make him miss you sometimes . when a guy always know where you are, and your always readily available to him he takes it for granted . don't fully commit to a guy who doesn't give you everything that you need & vice versa . keep him in your radar, but get to know others . friends are friends you both need them in your life, so don't get jealous over them . yu can't change everything about youself to be perfect for someone; if it's not meant to be it's just not meant to be . don't force it if you two are destined, to be together everything will find it's place and fall right back together . no matter how wonderful it sounds there is NO such thing as a fairytale relationship; there are always ups and downs, so if you truely care for eachother and you both are in it together than you can stick the tough times out; so you can enjoy the good ones . i believe once a cheater liar ect. alwayss one . if a guy has treated a past girl like shit; what makes you think you are any different ? in a relationship; do not boast, beg, be jealous, or greedy; these thing are not found in love; instead be kind, sweet, generous, loving, caring, trustworthy, trusting, un controlling and most of all yourself .
Writen by Swagger's friend
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